taken from http://www.gwu.edu/~ccps/etzioni/B448.html
"Free trade" is God's gift to modern economies, and for a politician to support "fair trade" is tantamount to worshiping graven images.
Dick Gephardt, who dared to touch the free-trade icon, was burned at the stake. John Edwards, who questioned free trade, failed as a candidate, while John F. Kerry, who dances around this issue as if it were gay marriage, now has beaten the Democratic pack. Moreover, when President Bush protected U.S. steel from ruinous competition, he was dumped on as if he were a labor Neanderthal.
But politics aside, is free trade really good economics? Free trade would be all that it was promised to be if we lived in a world in which not just jobs but also goods, people and capital freely flowed from one country to another. In such a never-never land, indeed, everyone would do what he was best at, and we all would be richer for it. Unfortunately, when one country lowers its trade barriers and other countries don't lower theirs as much — making for freer, but not free, trade — who gets what becomes extremely murky. And that is the world in which we find ourselves today.
U.S. corporations love to move their plants and our jobs to other countries — countries that sometimes block our products and services from entering. As we lowered our trade barriers, a good part of our car and television manufacturing was done in Japan. But for decades Japan prevented our financial institutions from serving its citizens, and its corporate culture of keiretsu (close business relationships) still hampers the work of these institutions. American construction companies can bid all they want for public works in the huge Japanese market, but a cabal of Japanese firms decides whose turn it is to submit the lowest bid this time, and somehow it very rarely turns out to be a foreign company. Scores of countries block the import of what we are best at producing: low-cost food.
Many free-market champions believe we should export lowbrow jobs but do the "creative" stuff ourselves, thus keeping our hands clean and our wages high. This notion assumes that God has anointed the United States to be the creator while the rest of the world has been chosen to do the menial work. Perhaps no one told the rest of the world. Israelis and Finns, for instance, are not exactly laggards. Indian engineers and Chinese computer programmers are rapidly bridging the creativity gap. Moreover, the U.S. has a range of talent distribution. What will our less-talented workers do if they are not gifted enough to make "Finding Nemo" or if there are not enough "creative" jobs to go around? Will they move — or be moved — to the nations where their jobs were outsourced, as free-trade theory calls for?
If Americans are not to follow their jobs to Third World countries, they will need to be retrained and relocated within our borders, a transition that, even when it works, generates high adjustment costs.
Every time we pare down an industry because its labor can be performed more cheaply overseas — say, most recently reading X-rays — those who used to work in it here either need to be retrained to do something else or live off unemployment or welfare. Such transitions also entail, as studies have shown, a significant increase in mental illness, suicides and family breakdowns, all hefty human and social costs. Economists tend to ignore all these public costs, which end up in the laps of taxpayers, when they tell people how wonderful it is that they can buy T-shirts at Wal-Mart at a discount.
Organized labor's claim that free trade involves a race to the bottom is valid. As flight attendants and grocery workers recently discovered, the pressure is on to reduce benefits, job security and the wages given to new employees and possibly to old ones.
Remaining competitive in a world in which billions of workers are paid about a dollar a day and have no benefits, and in which corporations need not worry about environmental costs, requires us to drastically lower our own standard of living.
Economists argue that eventually other countries will raise their living standards (as South Korea and Taiwan already are doing) and then we will all compete on equal footing. But there are two ways to get there: lower our standards until the rest of the world catches up or insist that we compete freely only with those countries where companies give their workers a basic basket of benefits and elementary environmental protection. This is what is referred to as "fair trade."
Americans should have the opportunity to vote in November on which form of trade they prefer: the mismanaged variety (masquerading as free trade) or fair trade. They will have this opportunity only if one of the political parties has the civic courage to lift the fog in which economists, big business and naive liberals have shrouded this whole sordid business. Then fair trade will not only be sound economics for America but also good politics.
Amitai Etzioni, a professor of sociology at the George Washington University, is the author most recently of "My Brother's Keeper: A Memoir and a Message" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003).
First of all, let's keep God out of this. Free trade is a man-made invention, and that is where it needs to remain. Fair trade is an oxymoron, and far from fair.
What I propose is a notion called "International Trade", or IT for short. With IT, there is one and only one governing body in charge of its rules, policies, what have you. All countries must abide by this body's governing or risk being ostracized by the rest of the world (which boggles my mind that such a tactic has not been exercised by the US against countries that manipulate their trade policies to our disadvantage ). This means that the world at large will have to adopt a single currency. This way all nations have the ability of being equal with each other economically. All import/export tariffs need to be eliminated, ENTIRELY. As well, countries can no longer have the ability to issue loans and/or credit to each other. They will sell and/or buy only when they can afford it. To accomplish this, a worldwide banking federation would be highly preferable.
Once we have a unified front, then this body must delegate the productions of products to the countries best suited to produce such products. Then of course a 'fair' mean of distribution will need to be implemented so as to eliminate trade deficits and/or surpluses. For the most part, the country that produces such products will keep most of its net profit, while a small percentage will go to developing nations. If however a nation starts to accumulate massive wealth disproportional to the world at large, then the governing body will need to add a production tax that the nation will pay to alleviate the gap. If a nation is under-performing, then the body can implement a social security type welfare system to help.
International Trade is neither fair nor free; and it must remain this way if all are to profit. I look forward to your comments regarding my notion.
The only reference to God in this post was a cultural reference, lets not get to overly sensitive.
"International Trade", or IT as you call it is unrealistic to implement and would be unhelpful if it ever was (that much I think we agree on).
International Trade is neither fair nor free right now. I agree that there should never be a right to free trade that a state can claim to avoid sanctions, as sanctions are among the most effective nonviolent means to encourage a state change its behavior. I do not agree it shouldn't be fair. States that do the most for there people and the least to harm the world at large should enjoy less restriction on trade with the US. Free trade with the US should be dangled like a carrot to encourage other states to protect their workers, have democratic elections, not harbor terrorists and avoid any other behavior that is a threat to its neighbors or the world at large.
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