Thursday, August 11, 2016


This is an exciting time of growth and outreach for the American Solidarity Party, leading us to attract the attention of thousands and to be published in several online and print publications.

Part of growing our Party is improving the presentation of our Platform and Principles to ensure an approachable yet informative document is available for those interested in joining with us.

***For that purpose, the ASP has launched a campaign to elaborate, organize, and in some places simplify our Platform.***

 Find our current platform here

While the content of the planks must remain the same in concept, the words, style, and organization are all on the table. Ideally the format would be chapter, discriptive subject heading, and then a longer explanation of the plank.

We encourage all writers, philosophers, politicians and anyone else to submit their entries as soon as complete, and yes, we are looking for a complete platform, so we can reply with comments and suggestions. The final submissions are due by September 30, to allow for time to review all submissions. By October 14th, the National Committee will present the top 3 submissions to the membership for a final decision.

Please contact the Party via email ( ) if you have questions. We’re excited to review the submissions!

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